Column Chromatography vs. Flash Chromatography

Column Chromatography vs. Flash Chromatography


In the example below, an 8 hours glass column chromatography run was separated in just 50 minutes using a 40mm ID flash cartridge. In this case there were no mixed fractions either.


Column Chromatography TLC Plate Flash Chromatography TLC Plate
5.0 x 10cm (90g) Glass Column 4.0 x 15cm (90g) Flash Cartridge


Time Savings with Flash Chromatography

Time Savings from Flash Chromatography



Cost Savings with Flash Chromatography

It would appear that column chromatography is less expensive than flash. However, flash columns can be re-used multiple times and after taking labour costs into account, flash chromatography works out significantly cheaper to run than column chromatography.

Time Savings from Flash Chromatography


Clearly labour cost is a big issue. Where flash is used by commercial organisations, the time and labour argument is compelling.