Evolution from Column Chromatography

Evolution from Column Chromatography

Column Chromatography System

Column Chromatography

In the traditional column chromatography system (shown left), the user fills the glass columns with silica gel. This is not desirable because of serious health concerns regarding breathing in silica gel dust.

The sample is placed on the top of the column. Liquid is passed through the column to elute the sample. Exposure to organic solvents is not uncommon and not desirable.

The separation is very slow (typically many hours) and is restricted to an isocratic solvent mixture.

At the end of the run, the silica gel must be removed, cleaned, dried and re-packed. This is both time consuming and hazardous.


Flash Chromatography System

Flash Chromatography

In the modern Flash Chromatography system (shown left), the glass columns are replaced with pre-packed plastic cartridges which are much safer and also more reproducible.

Solvent is pumped through the cartridge, which is much quicker and more reproducible. Systems may also be linked with detectors and fraction collectors providing automation.

The introduction of gradient pumps means quicker separations, less solvent usage and greater flexibility.