Distributor Opportunities

Distributor Opportunities

LabHut.com is the internet trading division SMI-LabHut Ltd. (see www.smi-labhut.com for details about SMI-LabHut Ltd.)

We currently market products to over 90 countries world-wide and many distributor opportunities still exist for our products in various markets.

Our product lines are split into individual product areas as shown by the different product menu options. Our job is to appoint the best distributor for each individual product group in each market and to represent the manufacturer in the most effective way.

There are therefore no ‘LabHut’ distributors, rather individual distributors who represent one or more product groups. In some countries we may work with a number of different distributors, each representing a particular product group but all of whom use the LabHut website as a source of information.

If you are interested in being considered as a distributor for one or more of our product lines, we will be very pleased to hear from you. Please complete the preliminary Contact form.