1. General FAQs
  2. Delivery FAQs
  3. Payment FAQs

General FAQs

Order Internationally with Confidence: Based in the UK, we currently supply directly to customers in over 100 countries, plus many more locally through our international distributor network!

I want more information about a product before making a decision to buy it. Can you help?

Of course! We try very hard to ensure our website contains full and up-to-date information about all our products, but if you need more details, just contact us.

How can I order?

You can order online using our secure checkout process, or contact us via telephone, fax or email.
Call: +44 (0)1452 310210 - Fax: +44 (0)1452 300075 - Email: sales@labhut.com

How do I amend or cancel my order?

If you wish to amend or cancel an order, please contact us as soon as possible. It is very helpful if you quote your order reference number.

Is there a minimum order amount?

We generally operate a GBP250 minimum order level to keep our prices and service competitive. Orders below that level are subject to a small order surcharge.

I am an existing distributor for SMI-LabHut Ltd. Can I order online?

Yes! If you have registered on the website as a distributor (and use this account for your order) you will see the information you need. If you haven't already done so, please register here.

How secure is your site and my data?

At all stages of the checkout process, our site is secured with industry-standard 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. This means that all information sent between your web browser and our server is encrypted. Anyone intercepting this data will not be able to read it.

If you provide us with your credit card details, these are always encrypted. They are also deleted as soon as we have received your order. In private messages to you (such as your acknowledgement email) we will only ever quote the card type and the last 4 digits of the card number.

For more information about our secure site, please see our security page. Should you have any concerns about ordering online, we will happily take your order by telephone, fax or email, just contact us

Will I get lots of emails from you?

No. When you register you will have the opportunity to select whether you want to receive email and post from us. You can change these preferences at any time by visiting your account management page. See also our privacy policy.


What are your delivery charges?

For orders delivered in the UK, all orders are subject to a £12.00 delivery charge. If you are outside the UK, you can still order online. Once we have your order details we will contact you to discuss delivery costs. We will only take payment once you know the total cost and are completely satisfied.

Can you deliver to a different address than my invoice address?

You may specify different invoice and delivery addresses as long as they are in the same country.

When will my order be delivered?

When we receive your order we will contact you to confirm availability and estimated delivery times. In most cases we will be able to ship your order within 24 hours of receipt.

Anything Else?

If you still have questions that remain unanswered, please don't hesitate to contact us.



How can I pay?

You can pay online using Visa and MasterCard. Other forms of payment, such as a cheque, invoicing or bank transfer, may also be acceptable - please contact us to organise alternative payment methods

If you pay by credit card, we will not take payment immediately. Your order will be verified and you will be notified of product availability, delivery time and any associated charges for shipping etc. Only when we are ready to ship and you accept the charges, will we take money from your card. This is processed manually via a PDQ machine and no money is taken on-line. We do not store any credit card details on-line or on a computer at all.

If you have any questions or concerns about payment or security issues please contact us and we will be pleased to help