

At we take security very seriously and aim to make this site as secure as possible.

Our server is protected with industry-standard 128-bit secure socket layer (SSL) encryption. SSL encryption works by scrambling the data sent between your browser and our server. It is extremely unlikely that anyone intercepting the encrypted data would be able to decrypt it. To verify that our secure server works and is valid, click on the Thawte logo.

Whenever we need to collect data from you or display sensitive information, we will always do this on a secure page. You can easily check if your browser is in 'secure mode' by the presence of a locked padlock or key at the bottom of your browser window. Also, the address of a secure page will always start with 'https://'.

When browsing other parts of the site, your browser will switch back to normal, non-SSL mode. This speeds up the site for pages that do not display or collect sensitive information.

To further protect your credit card information, this is only ever stored in encrypted form. If we need to refer to this in private messages to you, we will only ever quote the card type and the last 4 digits of the card number.

For more information, please see our privacy policy and our ordering FAQs. Should you still have any questions about your security, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A copy of our security certificate installation verification is shown below: is successfully secured by an SSL certificate.
The following certificates are correctly installed:

------Certificate 1------
--Issued To--
Organization: SMI LabHut Ltd
Organizational Unit: LabHut Ltd
Common Name:
Locale: Maisemore, Gloucestershire
Country: GB

--Issued By--
Organization: Thawte,, Inc.
Common Name: Thawte SSL CA
Country: US

Valid from Thu Jan 27 00:00:00 GMT 2011 to Sat Feb 09 23:59:59 GMT 2013
Serial Number (hex): 10a4c97e2110febd447e9ad1be003628

------Certificate 2------
--Issued To--
Organization: Thawte,, Inc.
Common Name: Thawte SSL CA
Country: US

--Issued By--
Organization: thawte,, Inc.
Organizational Unit: (c) 2006 thawte,, Inc. - For authorized use only
Organizational Unit 2: Certification Services Division
Common Name: thawte Primary Root CA
Country: US

Valid from Mon Feb 08 00:00:00 GMT 2010 to Fri Feb 07 23:59:59 GMT 2020
Serial Number (hex): 4d5f2c3408b24c20cd6d507e244dc9ec

------Certificate 3------
--Issued To--
Organization: thawte,, Inc.
Organizational Unit: (c) 2006 thawte,, Inc. - For authorized use only
Organizational Unit 2: Certification Services Division
Common Name: thawte Primary Root CA
Country: US

--Issued By--
Organization: Thawte Consulting cc
Organizational Unit: Certification Services Division
Common Name: Thawte Premium Server CA
Locale: Cape Town, Western Cape
Country: ZA

Valid from Fri Nov 17 00:00:00 GMT 2006 to Wed Dec 30 23:59:59 GMT 2020
Serial Number (hex): 3365500879ad73e230b9e01d0d7fac91