Luer Tip Styles

Luer Tip Styles

Luer Connectors

There are two styles of tips commonly used on syringes of all types - Luer Slip and Luer Lok or Luer Lock. This is a standardised system for making leak free fluid connections between small devices. Originally developed in the 19th century, the Luer Taper was developed further into the Luer Lok design and today they are a registered trade mark of Beckton Dickinson.

Luer Slip Connectors

The Luer Slip is a tapered tip which fits exactly into the female counterpart of the adjoinng device.

Luer Tip Syringe
Luer Tip and Filter

When connecting Luer Tip syringes, many people simply push them together; while this works a lot of the time, it is not perfect, and a much better seal is made by a small twist, approx 1/4 turn during the connection. This improves the connection strength and reduces the chances of leakage.

Luer Slip connectors are commonly used in low pressure applications. If the pressure increases too much then the connection can fail with the resultant implications.


Luer Lock Connectors

Luer Lock Connector
Luer Lock and Filter

Luer Lock connectors consist of a Luer Slip centre tip surrounded by a screw locking thread. The two parts are twisted together and the screw thread prevents the Luer  Slip connector from coming off and greatly reduces the chances of leakage.

Luer Lock connectors are advised when back pressures are higher and where leakage avoidance is essential. They also ensure that devices are used correctly as it is difficult to join Luer Lock devices without a good fluid connection.