Privacy Policy

At we believe in being open and honest about the information we obtain from our users and how we use it. Our privacy principles are detailed below but should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Personal Information only obtains personal information from you when you specifically provide it, such as when you register or send us an email. This information will be stored and used only by SMI-LabHut Ltd. (the owner of - read more). We will never make this information available to third parties. may collect general information about users of this site (such as which browser you use, the pages you request and the country from which you request information). This information will only be used by SMI-LabHut for the purposes of monitoring and improving this website in order to better serve the needs of our customers. We will never make this information available to third parties.

Making Contact will never contact you without your permission. You may change your preferences at any time using the account management page.


Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your web browser. This information is only available to the website which created the cookie. uses cookies for two purposes - sessions and, if you wish, remembering your login details.
Sessions allow our server to identify the same user from page to page. Without using sessions, some aspects of the site would not work, such as knowing whether you are logged in or not. Session details are automatically deleted when you close your browser.
If you tick the ‘remember’ box when you login, a cookie is used to store an encrypted identifier so that when you next visit the site you are automatically logged in.